Rutland County: 802.468.7056 / Addison County: 802.388.7044

RSVP Warm Hearts Warm Hands

The Warm Hearts Warm Hands Initiative is an RSVP Signature Program which distributes handmade items to local schools, nursing homes, social service agencies, and hospitals in Addison County. In 2024 we expanded this program to Rutland County. Join this wonderful program today!

Volunteers sew or knit items and bring them to RSVP’s Rutland County Office or arrange a pick-up for distribution. Volunteers can use their own fabric, fleece and/or yarn or request materials through RSVP. Throughout the year RSVP distributes items on request and every fall RSVP makes a bulk distribution to area agencies.

Please call the RSVP office for more information.

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