The RSVP Bone Builders Program relies upon weight training and balance exercises to protect against fractures caused by osteoporosis by increasing muscular strength, balance and bone density.
Studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association show that elderly women who participated in a weight training program twice weekly for a year, gained an average of 1% bone density. A control group lost 2% to 2.5% over the same time period. Participants reported increased strength, better balance, more energy and feelings of well being.
All classes are FREE! Utilizing volunteer trainers leading classes at donated sites RSVP of Rutland and Addison Counties is delivering a proven exercise program to local communities.
Participants can join an on-going class at anytime or join with others to initiate a new class. RSVP will help provide Volunteer Trainers, locate a donated site, and may supply the required weights at no cost.
What our participants say about Bone Builders
Through the physical activeness of Bone Builders my body stays flexible, strong and moving. Mentally it keeps me alert and feeling good about myself. I am socially part of a caring group, constantly making new friends and meeting new people. Through this form of networking I am inspired to do helpful volunteering, becoming more valuable to my community.
There is a definite improvement. When I walk, I’ve had a decrease in hip pain. Prior to taking this class, I would have to stop frequently to re-shift my position due to pain in both hips. This is something that had been with me for years. Now I very rarely experience this hip pain.
I am much stronger and able to go for walks and work in the garden. I could not do these activities until I started these exercises.